10+1 Mobile Photography Tips: 

How To Get Better Photos With Your Phone

It depends on how YOU take the picture, not the performance of your phone

You may have the best cell phone, best camera, best lenses ... but these things will be useless if you don't know the basic things about photography. If you love taking pictures and want to improve and improve, read these tips and try them in practice.

Tip 1 : Don't use zoom !

I think this is the first step towards taking a bad smartphone picture. If you want to zoom in on something, use your legs and move!  Using the zoom, the photo loses its efficiency and especially the quality (If you don't have a mobile phone with a special camera).

Tip 2 : Choose unique angles

This tip is also important. Have you ever tried taking pictures from the bottom or from the top? If not, try it! the result is worth it. 

This will make you look at the objects from a new perspective. 

Tip 3 : Use the "rule of thirds"

If you are photographing one object and want the photo to look unusual, use the "rule of thirds". Position the object on the left or right side. Not in the middle.

tip: Some smartphones have a grid in the camera settings that is great for this rule. 

Tip 4 : Edit your photos

There are many softwares and photo editing applications. For some you have to pay, some are free. Some of you ask me, what I use. I will be happy to answer. I usually use "Ligtroom mobile" or "Picsart" for my instagram photos.

Sometimes you need to fine-tune the photo, but you don't have to overdo it with color, because you can ruin the photo.

Tip 5 : Don't forget to focus.

Tap. Focus. Just don't forget. You can also get camera apps that allow you to focus manually, which is really handy in cases where the autofocus just can't get it right.

Focus is the first thing you have to do when taking pictures.

Tip 6 : If possible, use HDR

HDR-or High Dynamic Range imaging-is now a common feature on both iPhone and Android, and can help you take better-looking photos. 

HDR is used especially in daylight and sunlight photography.

Tip 7 : You don't have to travel the world

You don't have to travel to get amazing photos. Run out to the garden and look around you. Also, the forest is a beautiful place to take pictures.

Tip 8 : Experiment!

You need 2 things: idea + photoshop. Nowadays, such photos are quite popular. You see the fruit? Take a photo like me. There are lots of similar posts on instagram. Get inspired! Go ahead!

Tip 9 : Wait for "golden hour"

In photography, the golden hour is the period of daytime shortly after sunrise or before sunset, during which daylight is redder and softer than when the Sun is higher in the sky.

The period of time shortly before sunrise and shortly after sunset is called the "magic hour," especially by cinematographers. During this time the brightness of the sky matches the brightness of streetlights, signs, car headlights and lit windows. Also, during this period of time there are no sharp shadows because the sun has set (or hasn't risen). The magic hour is actually more like twenty or thirty minutes.

Tip 10 : Use water for reflection

Photographing a reflection creates a unique image of an often photographed subject by adding interest and depth to your photograph. 

3 steps to reflection photography with water puddles

With the following 3 steps and more, you too can photograph reflections. These steps are not particularly hard, but there is a knack to mastering each one.

1. Find a puddle
2. Lower your eye level and look for reflections
3. Focus properly


Tip 11: Don't say you're not a good photographer

Yes, your photos may not look like professional photos, but that doesn't mean you have to throw away your photo hobby. There's one rule you have to do. Shoot every day! What if it's raining outside? Do not mind! Take photos of water drops on the window .... If you really enjoy this hobby, improve and train !!!!!

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